
Environmental Site Assessments

• Phase I Preliminary ESA
• Phase II Soil & Groundwater Investigation
• Phase III Environmental Site Characterization

Land and groundwater contamination assessment

Locate, sample, analyse and characterise the extend of soil and groundwater contamination.

Underground storage tank investigations

Confidentally assess the potential liabilities of insitu storage infrastructure.

Contamination cleanup assessment

Solid, liquid, petrochemical, VOCs, heavy metals, biohazards, asbestos, radioactive isotopes. Formulate a site specific cleanup strategy.

Remediation technology consultation

Implement the site specific cleanup strategy using the most effective technologies for cost, time and safety.

Air quality investigation

Monitoring strategies for short and long-term adverse atmospheric pollutants.

Waste minimisation audits

Process stream and cradle-to-grave, cradle-to-gate materials life cycle assessment to identify potential savings.

Bio-gas systems design

Full turn-key site specific design of bio-gas production systems using available industrial / agricultural organic byproducts.

Natural environment restoration & permaculture design

Full regeneration design using permaculture principles for fast, effective and permanent rehabilitation of the natural environment.

GIS mapping & data visualisation

Geographic Information Systems for data assimulation, mapping and visual analysis.

Automated sensor design and deployment

Automated sensors for groundwater and air quality that update to a private cloud network. Save time, money and have more data points than every before.

For more information about any of the above services, contact us directly: